Sunday, September 12, 2010

Post #2

Applying the idea of hegemony to previous media I have “received” has made me more aware of the discriminatory views of women and men in our everyday lives.  As reflected in the movie “Grease” with Olivia John Newton and John Travolta, women are commonly classified as inferior to men.
            In the film industry, it is most common to find women as vulnerable and oblivious housewives that cater to their husbands or lovers. Because this stereotype of women as the inferior gender is reiterated to the public through all forms of media, it is reflected and perceived as “natural”.  The public is naïve to the influences of the media that contort and somewhat control the roles of gender in our society.
            The portrayal of the subordination of women to men is exemplified in the movie Grease. In the clip provided below, is one of the closing scenes to the film. Sandy has traded her conservative good girl attire of saddle oxfords and poodle skirts for a rebellious revealing outfit of red high heels, tight black leather pants and a cigarette hanging from her lips.  While Danny has also traded out his t-bird leather jacket for a light blue more conventional sweater, he quickly throws it off with excitement to see Sandy’s new look.  The shots now focus more on Sandy’s butt and curves more than they have the entire film.  Sandy is accommodating to Danny’s needs to satisfy him and to prove to him and his friends that she’s good enough for them. This example provides evidence that women are regarded as vulnerable and inferior to men, suggesting that they should alter themselves to serve and pleasure men for happiness. 

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