Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shots and Angles

The scene that I have chosen to describe the long shot, medium shot, and close up shot is Leonardo DeCaprio’s famous “I’m the king of the world” scene from the movie Titanic.
The scene begins with a long shot that begins with a low angle of the front of the ship, which emphasizes the magnitude and enormity of the titanic. Raising the angle and zooming out, Leonardo and his friend are shot at from a high angle, emphasizing their miniscule size compared to the ship. Leonardo’s character is also a lower class, poor man, and the high angle denotes his power.
            The scene continues with a long shot that establishes the location and gives an orientation to the location, and presents the characters in the scene.  The camera then zooms in on Leonardo’s face for a close up. This shot of him on the bow of the Titanic portrays his strong emotion of happiness and confidence. The low angle shows his emotion of victory and power and is only enforced with his exclamation of “I’m the king of the world!”
            Many different types of angles and shots are used in this scene. The variation give certain effects that assign power and give information to the actions that are taking place by the actors in the scene.

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