Sunday, October 24, 2010

TV Sitcoms

It’s always a relief to know that if you flip through the channels on your T.V. and can’t find anything to watch, you can almost always fall back on a T.V. sitcom. Sitcoms, or situation comedies, do not require you to know the history of the characters to be able to understand the episodes plot. Most sitcoms are based around a three-act plot (centered around two commercial breaks), and have rather hyperbolic and absurd conflicts that are resolved within the episode.  These characteristics provide short parable-like stories that are perfect for viewers looking for short increments of entertainment.
            As a young girl I used to be enamored with the Disney hit series Lizzie McGuire.  Lizzie McGuire was a sitcom based on a young girl, Lizzie McGuire, and her struggles she dealt with in her middle school life with her parents, brother, best friends, and school cliques in general.  The conflicts of each episode varied anywhere from Lizzie buying her first bra, to going on a date with the school nerd, and even to dealing with a best friends eating disorder. All of these episodes begin with a problem (act one), a plan is conceived to fix the problem (act two), and finally the fulfillment of the plan (act three).  In the end of every episode, a lesson is taught and everything retreats to a problem free life for Lizzie McGuire.  Lizzie McGuire was a popular TV sitcom that resonated with many elementary and junior school children.

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